Posted on: 17 December, 2020

Author: Brittany Wolfe

Indian food is known to some as the healthiest and others as the most indulgent. It comes down to what you order from the best Indian restaurant in New York. Indian food has a reputation as both the healthiest and the most indulgent cuisine. The wide variety of vegetable dishes and the use of medicinal spices make it a healthy option. But many Indian dishes contain lots of oils, unsaturated fats and sugars, making them unhealthy. In the end, it comes down to what you order from the best Indian restaurant in New York.   Many Indian items are healthy and tasty, so you don’t have to compromise on either. Just keep your portions light when you order the following dishes:   Tandoori Dishes Tandoori dishes are a must-try if you dine out for Indian cuisine in New York. They are prepared by grilling in an oven, which makes them healthier than dishes made by frying. The cooking process ensures that the chicken fish or vegetable remains juicy and tasty. Chefs marinate the dish with yogurt and spices, which add some nutritional benefits to your lunch.   Grilled Kebab Dishes Often clubbed with tandoori dishes, grilled kebabs are also good options. They are marinated with yogurt and spices before the grilling process. This helps the dish retain its juiciness and taste.   Keep in mind that not all kebabs are healthy. Many kebabs like chicken tikka masala come with gravies that are rich in saturated fats. You might also want to avoid dishes fried in oil.   Choley Masala Choley refers to large light-colored chickpeas. The legume is rich in proteins, folate, iron, fiber and vitamin B. Its masala is made with a tomato-onion sauce containing garlic, ginger, chilies and other spices. You can have this healthy meal for breakfast, lunch, snack and/or dinner. A similar dish called chana is made with dark-colored chickpeas and is equally healthy.   Rajma This dish is made with red kidney beans, which are rich in proteins and antioxidants. They regulate the blood sugar level, lower the risk of heart diseases, prevent cancer, sustain weight loss and strengthen bones. The spices added are also good for health.   Aloo Gobi This simple dish made with potatoes and cauliflowers is a healthy option available at most North Indian restaurants. The dish is cooked with turmeric and other spices giving it the color and taste. It might be a good way to convince your kids to start eating their veggies. Many restaurants serve it with pea (mattar) which adds to the nutritional value.   Baingan Ka Bharta It’s a pasty dish made by roasting eggplant before making a thick stew out of it. Eggplant is a good source of fiber and is recommended for heart health. It contains spices like coriander, turmeric, ginger and cardamom that help with inflammation, digestion and gastrointestinal function.   Tandoori Roti Tandoori roti is a healthier alternative to naan because it’s usually made with unrefined grains making it easier to digest. It’s also not buttered unlike naan, which reduces your calorie intake.   Chapati Chapati is thin flatbread cooked on a pan. Its thinness makes sure that you don't take in as many carbs as you would with thicker bread. This makes it a great side for most entrees. It’s even healthier when baked with whole wheat instead of refined grains. It’s why many small restaurants use chapati instead of parantha to cook rolls.   Raita It's a yogurt-based condiment made by whisking yogurt. It has a more liquid composition and usually contains diced vegetables, mint or boondi. It has all the benefits of yogurt making it a great side. It's great for settling your stomach when you have spicy dishes like biryani. People also use it as a dip or have it at the end of the meal.    Salad Appetizer Having a vegetable salad is always a good way to build your appetite and gain the necessary fibers to digest the entree. Many Indian restaurants serve cucumber, radish and carrot slices before the entree.   These are just some healthy options you should try at an Indian restaurant when dining out. Control the portions you have and eat slowly to have a satisfying, delicious and healthy meal.   Source: Free Articles from Hi, I am a content writer & blogger at Red Dash Media. And apart from blogging frequently at work, I am into reading, writing poems in the comfort space of my home.