Posted on: 19 March, 2007

Author: Monica Shah

You intend to cook. To keep your kitchen full, you must have a consistent weekly food shopping plan. 1. Create a handwritten or typed grocery list. Post the list on your refrigerator. 3. Plan. Then update your shopping list for the week. To keep your kitchen full, you must have a consistent weekly food shopping plan. Isn’t it funny how we can plan our work weeks, our vacations, our family obligations, but somehow, we completely avoid planning in time to shop and cook?Here are the basics to making a food shopping plan that makes cooking accessible —even on weeknights. 1. Create a handwritten or typed grocery list. Make a list of all the staples that you like to have in your kitchen. Also add the ingredients of your favorite recipes. You can use this list every week and keep adding to it as you learn about new foods or recipes. 2. Keep the list handy and up to date. Post the list on your refrigerator. Check off what you run out of as the week progresses. That way you won't forget those vital ingredients. 3. Plan. Pick the same time each week to make your weekly plan. Sunday morning is a great time for this. During this time, determine which nights you'll be cooking and what ingredients you'll need. Then update your shopping list for the week. 4. Shop. Grab the list on your way out the door and do your shopping between your other errands. It is easiest to pick the same shopping day each week to create a habit. Your shopping time should be reduced immensely now that you have a list and a plan. 5. Use Fresh Direct or another shopping service if you are out of town during your shopping day. If you know you are going to be out of town for the weekend or just incredibly swamped, use Fresh Direct. Your shopping list gets saved online and you can order from anywhere. 6. Always have the ingredients for a few Non-Perishable Meals on hand. For those times when you just don’t have any fresh greens and veggies in your refrigerator, make sure you have some healthy non-perishable items on hand such as canned tuna and salmon, cans of beans and healthy soups. Source: Free Articles from